Lámpara fluorescente limpia a prueba de explosiones

Lámpara fluorescente limpia a prueba de explosiones
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Model: BHY
Especializada en investigación y desarrollo de iluminación industrial, producción y venta de las empresas nacionales de alta tecnología
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Light source: T5/T8 LED
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Wattage: 1*18W/2*18W
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Temperature class: T1 to T6
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp IP Code: IP66
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Certification:  ExdeIICT6Gb/ExtDA21
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Ambient temp: -40℃ to +40℃/55℃

fluorescent lamp Scope of application and use
◎ Adecuado para la zona 1 y la zona 2 en entornos de gas explosivo;
. Es adecuado para la zona 20 del entorno de polvo combustible. Distrito 21. Distrito 22;
. Adecuado para IA, entorno de gas explosivo de clase IB;
◎Adecuado para ambientes con grupos de temperatura T1 - T5;
◎Equipado con lámparas fluorescentes de doble pata T8 y lámparas LED;
. Es adecuado para entornos explosivos y peligrosos, como la refinación de petróleo, el almacenamiento, la industria química, la medicina, la industria militar y las instalaciones militares.
fluorescent lamp Features
✧La carcasa está hecha de fundición a presión de aleación de aluminio, después del granallado, pulverización electrostática de alto voltaje;
✧The shell is formed by bending steel plate, and the surface is sprayed with high voltage electrostatic; .
. Equipado con tubos fluorescentes de marcas conocidas, larga vida útil y alta eficiencia lumínica;
◆>Stainless steel shell can be used according to user requirements, and the surface is polished;
✧The shell and the pressure frame are connected by a built-in chain, and the internal reflector can be turned over.
lighting status;
◆There are specially designed overcharge and overdischarge protection circuits in the emergency device;
. The tightening bolt adopts anti-drop measures to simplify the maintenance work of opening the cover;
. The transparent cover of the ceiling-mounted, recessed type 1 lamps is formed of polycarbonate;
✧The transparent cover of the embedded type 2 lamps adopts high-strength flat tempered glass;
Dustproof performance;
◆The exposed part of the embedded type 2 lamps is less after installation, which can effectively save the height of the workshop.
◎Built-in ballast with encapsulated structure, with good explosion-proof performance;
Degree, beautiful and generous.
fluorescent lamp Main technical parameters
T5/T8 led
fluorescent lamp Order Notice
✧The shell and the pressure frame are connected by a built-in chain, and the internal reflector can be turned over.
lighting status;
◆There are specially designed overcharge and overdischarge protection circuits in the emergency device;
. The tightening bolt adopts anti-drop measures to simplify the maintenance work of opening the cover;
. The transparent cover of the ceiling-mounted, recessed type 1 lamps is formed of polycarbonate;
✧The transparent cover of the embedded type 2 lamps adopts high-strength flat tempered glass;
Dustproof performance;
◆The exposed part of the embedded type 2 lamps is less after installation, which can effectively save the height of the workshop.
◎Built-in ballast with encapsulated structure, with good explosion-proof performance;
Degree, beautiful and generous.
fluorescent lamp Main technical parameters
T5/T8 led
fluorescent lamp Order Notice
✧The transparent cover of the embedded type 2 lamps adopts high-strength flat tempered glass;
Dustproof performance;
◆The exposed part of the embedded type 2 lamps is less after installation, which can effectively save the height of the workshop.
◎Built-in ballast with encapsulated structure, with good explosion-proof performance;
Degree, beautiful and generous.
fluorescent lamp Main technical parameters
modelo BHY
Marca a prueba de explosiones Exde IICT6Gb/ExtD21
tensión nominal. AC220v
fuente de luz T5/T8 led
Potencia nominal 1 * 18W / 2 * 18W
Flujo luminoso LED 3600Im
Clase de protección IP66
Grado anticorrosivo WF2
Rosca de entrada G3/4"
Especificaciones del cable Medio 7-Medio 12mm
Método de instalación. Instalación colgante de techo/tubería
Entorno de trabajo Temperatura: -40 ~ 45C
vida ≥10000H

fluorescent lamp Order Notice
  1. Al realizar el pedido, seleccione uno por uno de acuerdo con el modelo del producto.
  2. La lámpara ha sido equipada con fuente de alimentación y fuente de luz cuando sale de fábrica.
  3. Las lámparas pueden equiparse con diferentes métodos de instalación.
  4. La compañía admite servicios OEM / ODM, comuníquese con el gerente de cuenta para conocer los requisitos detallados

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